mk-project documentation


mk-project currently support only one single documentation generator: sphinx.

sphinx was first design to generate official python documentation but time has past and sphinx

has become very popular at first by the python community.

Without any particular extension (like autodoc) sphinx is based on the R.e.S.T Re Structured Text language but Mardown can be used through modifying the file.

The Rest language is an easy markup language as like markdown but it is standardized (Markdown not) and can be extented what sphinx does.

note:Some R.e.S.T Re Structured Text extension permit to build C andf C++ documentation without using any extension.

You are a sphinx user:

So everything is are right.

You aren’t a sphinx user

Let me convince you to adopt sphinx by learning the easy markup R.e.S.T Re Structured Text or Markdown language.

For generating documentation in many formats, mk-project generate make targets from the make output according which sphinx extension are installed on your system.

Per exemple currently on my system.

make sphinx-html # to make standalone HTML files

make sphinx-dirhtml # to make HTML files named index.html in directories

make sphinx-singlehtml # to make a single large HTML file

make sphinx-pickle # to make pickle files

make sphinx-json # to make JSON files

make sphinx-htmlhelp # to make HTML files and an HTML help project

make sphinx-qthelp # to make HTML files and a qthelp project

make sphinx-applehelp # to make an Apple Help Book

make sphinx-devhelp # to make HTML files and a Devhelp project

make sphinx-epub # to make an epub

make sphinx-epub3 # to make an epub3

make sphinx-latex # to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter

make sphinx-latexpdf # to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex

make sphinx-latexpdfja # to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx

make sphinx-lualatexpdf # to make LaTeX files and run them through lualatex

make sphinx-xelatexpdf # to make LaTeX files and run them through xelatex

make sphinx-text # to make text files

make sphinx-man # to make manual pages

make sphinx-texinfo # to make Texinfo files

make sphinx-info # to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo

make sphinx-gettext # to make PO message catalogs

make sphinx-changes # to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items

make sphinx-xml # to make Docutils-native XML files

make sphinx-pseudoxml # to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes

make sphinx-linkcheck # to check all external links for integrity

make sphinx-doctest # to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)

make sphinx-coverage # to run coverage check of the documentation (if enabled)
  • Many themes are available.
  • Many contrib packages are available for extending sphinx in many ways.
  • The rdt theme provide a web service, format the output in his theme and provide the documentation downloadable in many format.

mk-project documentation visualize

mk-project permit you to visualize all the output files in different manners:

mk-project will search severals documentation viewer programs on your installation.


  • The make varibale ${BROWSER} will link to your browser.
  • The make variable {INFO} will link to the info program.
  • The make variable {MAN} will link to the man program.
  • The make variable {EPUB} will link to your epub viewer (fbreader or okular) if available.
  • The make variable {PDF} will link to your pdf viewer if available.
note:If mk-project doesn’t find a binary for viewing a file it will use the xdg-open program as fallback.


The sphinx-show-\* targets are set arbitrary

as best as I can

because their is either no way to know into which sub-folder the documentation will be generate

and nor the filename the documentation will have...

Simply trust me or correct it yourself if necessary.

mk-project slots

Always remember that you can write some make targets into the mk-project Makefile.

To ease you the documentation generating process and so extend mk-project.

Per example by the first version of mk-project, it use a mix of:

  • The pandoc package.
  • The python(3)-docutils and the rst2pdf packages.
  • The texinfo and texlive packages.

To provide ReST, Markdown and texinfo documentation generation but Only one page per output format.

but I used sphinx to write the documentation of the version 1.0 of mk-project

with some few self -builded targets like this:


# sphinx slot.

.PHONY: sphinx-singlehtml sphinx-html sphinx-htmlhelp sphinx-epub sphinx-info sphinx-man

# sphinx Makefile singlehtml target link.
      cd sphinx_doc ; ${MAKE} singlehtml ;

# sphinx Makefile html target link.
      cd sphinx_doc ; ${MAKE} html ;

# sphinx Makefile epub target link.
      cd sphinx_doc ; ${MAKE} epub ;

# sphinx Makefile info target link.
      cd sphinx_doc ; ${MAKE} info ;

# sphinx Makefile man target link.
      cd sphinx_doc ; ${MAKE} man ;

# sphinx Makefile doctest target link.
      cd sphinx_doc ; ${MAKE} doctest

# sphinx builded files showing targets.
.PHONY: sphinx-show-singlehtml sphinx-show-html sphinx-show-epub sphinx-show-info sphinx-show-man

      cd ./sphinx_doc/build/singlehtml ; ${BROWSER} index.html ;

      cd ./sphinx_doc/build/html ; ${BROWSER} index.html ;

      cd ./sphinx_doc/build/epub  ; ${EPUB} *.epub ;

      cd ./sphinx_doc/build/texinfo ; ${INFO} -f *.info ;

      cd ./sphinx_doc/build/man ; ${MAN} -f ${PRGNAME}.${MAN_LEVEL} ;

# sphinx clean target.
      cd sphinx_doc ; cd build ; rm -R * ;



If you get the program rst2man installed on your system,

mk-project will create a folder named rst2man into the project tree into

which you will find a file ${PRGNAME}.rst to edit a man-page with rst2man.

warning:Because the man-page is often apart from the documentation.